
ODA Frokostseminar med Gullpartner If: The future of mobility

Velkommen til digitalt frokostseminar med vår gullpartner If!

Når: 26. januar kl. 08:10-09:30
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Meld deg på nettverkstreffet 26. januar

How you are affected by the future of mobility and the data that will make you safer

As cars get smarter and the ways we travel changes, there are big changes to the mobility of people. But how does that affect an insurance company? Join us on the journey, where we will talk about the future of mobility and what those changes will do to you everyday life, what the possibilities are with the real time data from connected cars with new vehicle technology and how the development experience was with building apps for Android Automotive.

During this breakfast seminar you will meet three interesting people with their background in the software industry and marketing strategy.

Regine Larsen

Head of Market Strategy, Partnerships & New Business Opportunities, If P&C Insurance

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Regine is responsible for marketing strategy in If’s unit for strategic partnerships, and has previously worked with business development and B2B strategy within the mobility sector in the same company. In this role, she has led and participated in sales and partnership processes together with many of the world’s largest car and mobility players, where the theme has been the mobility solutions of the future. Before joining If, she worked with service and product development at Storebrand.

With an educational background in innovation, business development and sustainability, Regine has a varied and exciting career: She has worked in retail, oil and gas, the media industry and in finance. The common thread that has followed her over the years is major change processes, B2B sales and market trends.

Jesper Palm


Digital Innovation Developer at If Insurance

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Jesper Palm has worked in the software industry for the past 20 years. Working primarily with the Microsoft tech stack. Am a developer by heart and love the creative aspects of software development. Nowadays focusing more on the interaction between business and IT to ensure maximized efficacy. But have a hard time staying away from the code…

Sebastian Pukki

Senior Software Engineer at Volvia

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Sebastian Pukki slipped into the software development occupation by chance and have loved every moment of it ever since. He has worked across different domains, technologies, and countries with each aspect having different challenges. For the past years, been focusing on combining Android app development with Azure cloud integrations. Besides spending time solving user stories, does he enjoy hosting a BBQ evening (during summer) with family and friends.

Save your spot today! We hope to see you there!


ODA-Nettverk er Nordens ledende nettverk for mangfold i teknologi. Vi har mer enn 10 000 medlemmer med aktiviteter i Oslo, Bergen, Innlandet, Sørlandet, Sør-Vest og Trondheim, og over 70 partnere. ODA-Nettverk har siden 2005 inspirert og bidratt gjennom større mangfold til bedre beslutninger og løsninger for virksomheter og samfunn.

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