Kick-off ODA Mentorinitiativene med Gullpartner Itera
ODAs mentorinitiativ kicker igang høsten i samarbeid med Gullpartner Itera!
Tema: The Start of Something New
Vårens søknadsprosess er avsluttet og mentees er koblet opp til mentorer. For å sikre en god start på årets mentorreise samles alle initiativer til en digital kick-off.
Vertspartner Itera vil fortelle litt om bedriften, før Tonje Falck fra FuelIt forteller om Den Gode Samtalen. Vi kommer til å høre om reisen av et mentorpar fra 2020/2021. Joanna Carr avslutter det faglige innholdet med en inspirerende personlig og kariarre reise.
Tusen takk til vår partner og kveldens sponsor Itera!
I Itera tar vi ansvar for å utgjøre en positiv forskjell. Ved å kombinere vår ekspertise innen teknologi, design og forretningsrådgivning hjelper vi kundene våre med nåværende og fremtidige utfordringer. Vår drivkraft er å bruke kompetansen vår til å løse virkelige problemer – for virkelige mennesker.
The Start of something new
Most of us like to think of ourselves as rational people who are fully capable of making logical decisions about our careers, our health and wellbeing and of course, our relationships. Yet, the reality is that decision-making, especially when choosing to make a change or start something new, is never only founded on our rational thinking. On the contrary, our decision making is extremely complex due to the interplay of our emotions and subconscious mechanisms.
The fact is that change, and especially choosing to start something new, can be a challenge, but a very rewarding one at that. It requires knowing where you want to be heading; Joanna calls this your guiding star. It demands bravery, an actionable plan, willpower, and, more often than not, relational support from your network.
Have you identified your guiding star?
In this talk, Joanna will share how this journey evolved for her and she will offer you some practical tips for your journey towards something new.
About Joanna
Joanna Carr is a certified CX Specialist, CX designer, keynote speaker, and Founding Member of the European Customer Experience Organisation (ECXO). Today Joanna works as a Customer Experience Consultant for Allegro, a technology and communication bureau based in Vestfold and Drammen.
Originally from England, Joanna has over 20 years of experience in both sides of the CX discipline, provider and practioner. She is known for her creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. She has worked in various industries throughout her career including, industry, education, retail and wellness. She has a passion for elevating experiences both for herself and those her work touches.
Joanna’s work areas include Customer experience strategising, service design, emotional intelligence in the workplace, Coaching, Customer service training and Speaking.