
Tre tips for å henge med på KI-reisen

Hvor oppdatert er du på det siste innen kunstig intelligens, og hvordan kan du bruke det i arbeidshverdagen?

Artikkelen er skrevet av Vilde Myklebust, forretningsrådgiver i Sopra Steria.

Kunstig intelligens (KI) er ikke bare en del av fremtiden; den former …

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ODA Inspiration Day 2024 Highlights

Thank you to all participants, speakers, partners and volunteers for making ODA Inspiration Day 2024 a success!

We hope you had an amazing time and were able to connect, learn, and be inspired. Your presence and engagement made all the …

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Jobber for økt mangfold i teknologibransjen

Teknologibransjen får stadig større makt i samfunnet, og med det følger også en del etiske dilemmaer og problemstillinger.

Teknologien har de siste årene fått en helt ny rolle i de fleste bransjer, samtidig som den har makt til å definere …

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Dette er vinnerne av ODA Awards 2024

Hans-Henrik Merckoll (IBM), Ingrid Kindem (Naer AS), Monika Anna Swiderska (Equinor) og Evidi er vinnerne av ODA Awards 2024.

ODA Awards deles ut på Inspirasjonsdagen, ODA-Nettverks største årlige happening, 6. juni i Oslo konserthus. Prisene deles ut til de personene …

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The finalists of ODA Techie Award 2024

ODA Techie Award 2024 Finalists

Since its establishment in 2009, ODA-Nettverk has awarded dedicated work supporting gender equality and diversity within the tech industry.

This year, we are revitalizing the ODA Awards, adopting a gender-neutral approach and implementing new categories. The ODA Techie Award will …

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The finalists of ODA Leader Award 2024

ODA Leader Award 2024 Finalists

Since its establishment in 2009, ODA-Nettverk has been awarded dedicated work supporting gender equality and diversity within the tech industry.

This year, we are revitalizing the ODA Awards, adopting a gender-neutral approach and implementing new categories. The ODA Leader Award

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The finalists of ODA Change-maker Award 2024

ODA Change-maker Award 2024 Finalists

Since its establishment in 2009, ODA-Nettverk has been awarded dedicated work supporting gender equality and diversity within the tech industry.

This year, we are revitalizing the ODA Awards, adopting a gender-neutral approach and implementing new categories. The ODA Change-maker Award

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The finalists of ODA Champions Award 2024

ODA Champions Award 2024 Finalists

Since its establishment in 2009, ODA-Nettverk has awarded dedicated work supporting gender equality and diversity within the tech industry.

This year, we are revitalizing the ODA Awards, adopting a gender-neutral approach and implementing new categories. The ODA Champions Award will …

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The finalists of ODA Awards 2024

It is a great pleasure to announce the ODA Awards 2024 finalists!

The finalists of ODA Awards 2024

Since its establishment in 2009, ODA-Nettverk has awarded dedicated work supporting gender equality and diversity within the tech industry.

This year, we are revitalizing the ODA Awards, adopting a gender-neutral approach and implementing new categories.

Read more about each of …

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ODA Sør er blitt ny partner med Techpoint

– Økt mangfold, inkludering og likestilling er noe vi virkelig brenner for. Vi er kjempeglade for at vi nå sammen med ODA Sør kan være med på å løfte dette enda mer opp og frem både innen techmiljøet og i …

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Renata Chlumska is coming to ODA Inspiration Day 2024

Renata Chlumska, one of the world’s leading adventurers, is highly regarded as one of Sweden’s most inspirational speakers. Renata’s adventurous career includes completing a 439-day expedition around the lower 48 states of the USA, climbing Mount Everest, and leading numerous

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Lubna Jaffery is coming to ODA Inspiration Day 2024

Lubna Jaffery is the Minister of Culture and Equality in the Norwegian Government.

Representing the Labour Party, she oversees cultural policy, policies on equality and discrimination, media, sports, as well as gaming and lottery regulation, in addition to coordinating governmental …

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Manav Rihel Kumar is coming to ODA Inspiration Day 2024

Manav Rihel Kumar has a rich background, starting in the Norwegian Armed Forces where he focused on recruitment and leadership at the War Academy. He later shifted to the telecom industry, taking on key leadership roles and winning several awards

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Equinor er en av landets mest attraktive arbeidsgivere – vil gjerne se kvinneandelen i tech øke raskere

I høst ble Universums liste over mest attraktive arbeidsgivere lansert, og der tronet tre ODA-Nettverk-partnere øverst. Blant dem er Equinor som rykket opp fire plasser på IT-pallen siden i fjor. Her deler selskapet råd og erfaringer som kan være til

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Espen Nakstad is coming to ODA Inspiration Day 2024

Espen Rostrup Nakstad is the Assistant Director at Helsedirektoratet. He holds a PhD in intensive care medicine from the University of Oslo and is a specialist in internal medicine and lung diseases. Additionally, Nakstad is a trained lawyer with leadership

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Ishita Barua is coming to ODA Inspiration Day 2024

Dr. Ishita Barua is a medical doctor and an expert on application and clinical validation of AI in Medicine. She has a PhD in this topic from the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital. Ishita is the Chief Medical

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ODA Awards lanserer kjønnsnøytrale kategorier

Fra 2024 tildeles ODA Awards med bakgrunn i nye kategorier og priser. De nye kategoriene er kjønnsnøytrale og anerkjenner et bredere sett med bidragsytere for økt mangfold i tech-bransjen.

ODA-Nettverk er Nordens ledende nettverk for mangfold i tech. Da nettverket …

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Nils Tore Meland is coming to ODA Inspiration Day 2024

Nils Tore Meland was a respected Officer in Forsvaret and now works as an organizational psychologist, known across Norway for his innovative work in leadership development. His unique mix of military discipline and psychological knowledge has made a big difference

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ODA-Nettverk er Nordens ledende nettverk for mangfold i teknologi. Vi har mer enn 9500 medlemmer med aktiviteter i Oslo, Bergen, Innlandet, Sør-Vest og Trondheim, og 80 partnere. ODA-Nettverk har siden 2005 inspirert og bidratt gjennom større mangfold til bedre beslutninger og løsninger for virksomheter og samfunn.

Har du spørsmål, ta kontakt med oss på info@odanettverk.no