
Dette er vinnerne av ODA Awards 2024

Hans-Henrik Merckoll (IBM), Ingrid Kindem (Naer AS), Monika Anna Swiderska (Equinor) og Evidi er vinnerne av ODA Awards 2024.

ODA Awards deles ut på Inspirasjonsdagen, ODA-Nettverks største årlige happening, 6. juni i Oslo konserthus. Prisene deles ut til de personene …

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The finalists of ODA Techie Award 2024

ODA Techie Award 2024 Finalists

Since its establishment in 2009, ODA-Nettverk has awarded dedicated work supporting gender equality and diversity within the tech industry.

This year, we are revitalizing the ODA Awards, adopting a gender-neutral approach and implementing new categories. The ODA Techie Award will …

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The finalists of ODA Leader Award 2024

ODA Leader Award 2024 Finalists

Since its establishment in 2009, ODA-Nettverk has been awarded dedicated work supporting gender equality and diversity within the tech industry.

This year, we are revitalizing the ODA Awards, adopting a gender-neutral approach and implementing new categories. The ODA Leader Award

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The finalists of ODA Change-maker Award 2024

ODA Change-maker Award 2024 Finalists

Since its establishment in 2009, ODA-Nettverk has been awarded dedicated work supporting gender equality and diversity within the tech industry.

This year, we are revitalizing the ODA Awards, adopting a gender-neutral approach and implementing new categories. The ODA Change-maker Award

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The finalists of ODA Champions Award 2024

ODA Champions Award 2024 Finalists

Since its establishment in 2009, ODA-Nettverk has awarded dedicated work supporting gender equality and diversity within the tech industry.

This year, we are revitalizing the ODA Awards, adopting a gender-neutral approach and implementing new categories. The ODA Champions Award will …

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The finalists of ODA Awards 2024

It is a great pleasure to announce the ODA Awards 2024 finalists!

The finalists of ODA Awards 2024

Since its establishment in 2009, ODA-Nettverk has awarded dedicated work supporting gender equality and diversity within the tech industry.

This year, we are revitalizing the ODA Awards, adopting a gender-neutral approach and implementing new categories.

Read more about each of …

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ODA-Nettverk er Nordens ledende nettverk for mangfold i teknologi. Vi har mer enn 9500 medlemmer med aktiviteter i Oslo, Bergen, Innlandet, Sør-Vest og Trondheim, og 80 partnere. ODA-Nettverk har siden 2005 inspirert og bidratt gjennom større mangfold til bedre beslutninger og løsninger for virksomheter og samfunn.

Har du spørsmål, ta kontakt med oss på info@odanettverk.no