

Stillingsannonse Leder for ODA-Nettverk

Etter 17 år i ODA-Nettverk ønsker vår styreleder, Kristine Hofer Næss, nå å gi stafettpinnen videre. Kristine har vært som frivillig i ODA-Nettverk siden oppstarten i 2006, og har hatt rollen og ansvaret som styreleder siden 2017. Vi søker en

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Har du fått med deg hvem de nominerte til ODA Awards er?

ODA Awards deles ut på Inspirasjonsdagen 20. mai. Dette er kvinnene, mennene og organisasjonene som kjemper om den gjeve utmerkelsen! 

Inspirasjonsdagen er ODA-Nettverkets største årlige happening. På scenen får du høre fra lege og NRK-programleder Wasim Zahid, den svenske journalisten

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«Kvinner vil ikke jobbe i tech»

Utsagnet resulterte i 17 år med frivillighet som har påvirket en hel bransje.

På en konferanse i USA i 2005 reagerer fem norske kvinner sterkt på utsagnet om at kvinner ikke vil jobbe med teknologi. Kristine Hofer Næss er en

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Robert Engels – Inspiration Day 2022 Speaker

Robert Engels is CTO and Vice President in Capgemini. He holds a PhD in Machine Learning from the Technical University of Karlsruhe (now KIT). Robert is also a regular keynote speaker and have published articles on various topics in artificial

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Nettverkstreff med Gullpartner Entur  

Tirsdag 26. april inviterte Entur til nettverkstreff i deres lokaler, med mulighet til å følge med digitalt. Entur hadde lyst til å fortelle om hvordan de bruker data smart for at det skal bli enklere å velge å reise kollektivt,

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Nå kan du søke deg til ODA Mentor!

Vil du bli med på en reise hvor du får utvikle deg på det personlige plan, og få en boost i karrieren? Og samtidig bidra til endring i samfunnet vi lever i, med hensyn til mangfold i tech? Vi tar

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It is a great pleasure to announce the ODA Awards 2022 finalists!

Each year ODA-Nettverk awards dedicated work supporting the promotion of gender equality and diversity in the tech industry. This year, the ODA Award Woman will be awarded for the fourteenth year in a row, while the ODA Award Organization will …

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ODA Award Woman 2022 Finalists

Each year ODA-Nettverk awards dedicated work supporting the promotion of gender equality and diversity in the tech industry. The ODA Award Woman award will be given for the fourteenth time this year. The winner will be announced at the Inspiration …

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ODA Award Organization 2022 Finalists

Each year ODA-Nettverk awards dedicated work supporting the promotion of gender equality and diversity in the tech industry. The ODA Award Organization award will be given for the tenth time this year. The winner will be announced at the Inspiration …

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ODA Award Man 2022 Finalists

Each year ODA-Nettverk awards dedicated work supporting the promotion of gender equality and diversity in the tech industry. The ODA Award Man award will be presented for the fifth time this year. The winner will be announced at the Inspiration …

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Jenny Theolin – Inspiration Day 2022 Speaker

Experienced designer, learning leader and educator. With nearly two decades experience working in the design industry, Jenny can now be found working with some of the world’s leading schools, as well as helping corporate companies become learning organisations through co-designing

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Nytt styremedlem i ODA – Frivillighet er et nødvendig bindeledd

ODA Nettverkets nye styremedlem har engasjert seg innen likestilling og mangfold i mange år allerede. Kainaat Qaiser Mir ønsker å bidra med nye perspektiver og skape plass for flere kvinner med minoritetsbakgrunn i tech-bransjen. 

Jeg er en engasjert økonom

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ODA Awards 2022 Nominations – Closed

Celebrating diversity and inclusion in the tech industry: ODA Awards

Do you know a colleague, client, or organization that deserves to be celebrated for their work to improve diversity? Nominations are being accepted through April 20 for the ODA Awards …

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Make sure you have a verified ODA-Nettverk membership

You need to be registered in the odaportal.no to be able to book a ticket to ODA Inspiration Day, May 20. The tickets are released April 20, and the capacity at Oslo Concert Hall is 1400 people, so make

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Wasim Zahid – Inspiration Day 2022 Speaker

Wasim Zahid is a doctor with a specialty in internal medicine and heart diseases and also holds a PhD in cardiology.

He frequently shares relevant health information using social media channels such as Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to reach the …

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Katrine Marçal – Inspiration Day 2022 Speaker

Katrine Marçal is a Swedish journalist and bestselling author on the intersection between economics, women and innovation. Her books present compelling data about how our ingrained societal ideas about gender have held us back.

Working for the Swedish newspaper Dagens …

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John Stone – Inspiration Day 2022 Speaker

John Stone is Chaos Coordinator at Office of the CISO. He ‘officially’ started his career in infosec in 2002. From blue to red and all the colours in between John has had varied roles during his career also up and

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Ida Susanna Fattah – Inspiration Day 2022 Speaker

Ida Susanna Fattah, also called «Doctor Innovation» is a medical doctor and entrepreneur, specializing in the field of Public Health.

She’s passionate about increasing the speed of innovation in healthcare by using data and technology. Her startup startup, MedLytic, is …

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ODA-Nettverk er Nordens ledende nettverk for mangfold i teknologi. Vi har mer enn 11 000 medlemmer med aktiviteter i Oslo, Bergen, Innlandet, Sørlandet, Sør-Vest og Trondheim, og over 70 partnere. ODA-Nettverk har siden 2005 inspirert og bidratt gjennom større mangfold til bedre beslutninger og løsninger for virksomheter og samfunn.

Har du spørsmål, ta kontakt med oss på info@odanettverk.no